Sports Vision

Key to sporting excellence

"Vision training for sport is the application of specific exercises conducted over a period of time that leads to neural restructuring of cortex and brainstem pathways allowing a person to maximise efficiency while performing visual perceptual tasks leading to enhanced visual motor performance" Pierre Elmurr BAppSc(Orthoptics)DOBA MAppSc(ExerSportsSc),Sports Vision Scientist (Vision consultant - NSW Institute of Sport)



The 80 sensor pad SVTTM is a wall mounted non-portable system, dimensions are 1.25 metres by 1.25 metres and it weighs 15 kilograms. Via a parallel port the SVTTM board links to a laptop. The laptop has a window based software program that controls the SVTTM board


Services vision training

Services - Vision Training

"Vision training for sport is the application of specific exercises conducted over a period of time that leads to neural restructuring of cortex and brainstem pathways allowing a person to maximise efficiency while performing visual perceptual tasks leading to enhanced visual motor performance"Our vision training programs are based on scientific evidence and are specifically tailored to each particular sport. Vision training as defined by Pierre Elmurr, Sports Vision Scientist is divided into 4 categories:1. Classical Orthoptic vision training programs aimed at improving binocular function 2. Visualmotor performance3. Visual awareness training4. "Software" training. E.g. Teaching athletes advanced cue utilisation and pattern recognition


SVT-32 Light System

SVT-32 Light System

The 32 sensor pad SVTTM. It’s a truly portable system developed for teams/practitioners who want to use the SVTTM in different locations and ideal for setting up in the dressing room before a game. It can also be used either in landscape or portrait positions. The unit has 4 stabilising feet that lean up against a wall, so there is no need for brackets. A customised flight case and tripod is provided. The total weight including the SVTTM board and all accessories is 40 kilograms and the dimensions are 135cms in length by 19cm in width by 60 cms in height.